slimr - Create, Run and Post-Process 'SLiM' Population Genetics Forward Simulations
Lets you write 'SLiM' scripts (population genomics simulation) using your favourite R IDE, using a syntax as close as possible to the original 'SLiM' language. It offer many tools to manipulate those scripts, as well as run them in the 'SLiM' software from R, as well as capture and post-process their output, after or even during a simulation.
Last updated 4 months ago
4.70 score 8 stars 42 scripts
phyf - Phylogenetic Flow Objects for Easy Manipulation and Modelling of Data on Phylogenetic Trees and Graphs
The {phyf} package implements a tibble and vctrs based object for storing phylogenetic trees along with data. It is fast and flexible and directly produces data structures useful for phylogenetic modelling in the {fibre} package.
Last updated 7 months ago
4.20 score 1 stars 1 dependents 53 scriptstidysdm - Sprecies Distribution Modelling with Tidymodels
Provides functions and classes to help create Species Distribution Models (SDMs) within the {tidymodels} framework. Provides new {parsnip} models, new {recipes} steps, and {yardstick} metrics. This package provides access to the powerful {tidymodels} ecosystem for SDMs, especially the package {spatialsample} for spatially aware cross validation and model evaluation, as well as opening up all classification models implemented in {parsnip} for presence-only SDMs, using the pseudo-absence approach.
Last updated 1 years ago
3.41 score 1 stars 52 scripts 384 downloads
trampoline - Make Functions that Can Recurse Infinitely
Implements a trampoline algorithm for R that let's users write recursive functions that get around R's stack call limitations, enabling theoretically infinite recursion. The algorithm is based around generator function as implemented in the 'coro' package, and is based almost completely on the 'trampoline' module from Python <https://gitlab.com/ferreum/trampoline>.
Last updated 3 years ago
3.02 score 21 stars 8 scripts 75 downloadsimpac - Make packed image mosaics
impac takes a list of images or a function that generates images and packs them onto a canvas using a greedy algorithm, while respecting transparency.
Last updated 2 years ago
2.85 score 14 stars 4 scriptsrbff - R Interface to Boundary First Flattening Software (BFF)
Flatten 3D meshes into arbitrary 2D shapes using boundary first flattening (<https://github.com/GeometryCollective/boundary-first-flattening>).
Last updated 3 years ago
2.40 score 5 stars 6 scriptssdmpack - FIU SDM Course Package
Course material for FIU course on SDM
Last updated 1 years ago
2.08 score 24 scripts